CentOS Dojo Cologne 2014

This week the first official CentOS Dojo in Cologne was taking place. CentOS Dojos are one-day events where administrators and developers can exchange knowledge. Talks about recent topics are always part of these events.

inovex GmbH kindly features the event by providing their rooms and hearty catering. Beside coffee and cake there were many opportunities for smalltalk and making contacts. 🙂

The talks

Many interesting topics have been discussed in 7 talks:

  • "Deploying foreman in enterprise environments with CentOS" by Nils Domrose
  • "Keepalived & HA-Proxy as an alternative to commercial loadbalancers" by Jan Gehring
  • "Running your own CentOS cloud with OpenNebula" by Jaime Melis
  • "System management with Spacewalk" by me
  • "Getting started with docker.io on CentOS" by Jürgen Brunk
  • "Container Orchestration" by Timo Derstappen
  • "Centralized and structured log file analysis with Open Source and Free Software tools" by Jens Kühnel

Many things were quite new to me - especially OpenNebula and Docker. I found no time so far to have a look at those products. The OpenNebula workshop by Jaime Melis was very comprehensive and interesting. Two hypervisor and particular virtual machines were configured and provisioned - so it was necessary to deal with the basic OpenNebula services to get along within the workshop. I heard a lot of Foreman but didn't knew all the details about the particular functions. I'm really exited to evaluate the particular features in combination with Katello (the Spacewalk successor which comes with integreated Foreman). After some Docker container basics Timo presented tipps for orchestrating complex Docker setups. At least a very interesting but often forgotten topic was discussed: central standardized storage of log files.


inovex published recordings of the particular talks in the meantime - have a look at it: [click me!]


After reading a lot about CentOS dojos on social network I was very happy to having joined the first event in Germany. I really hope that additional events will follow in the future - the best would be to have similar nice locations. 🙂
