Find out Tachyon XL2 part number under HP-UX 11.11 / 11.23

Especially in older PA-RISC and Itanium machines HP Tachyon XL2 hostbus adapters can be found. If you want to know the associated HP part number (e.g. if you need to compare a support matrix) you might have used ioscan - and found nothing:

1# ioscan -funC fc
2Class     I  H/W Path  Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
4fc        0  0/4/2/0   td   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP Tachyon XL2 Fibre Channel Mass Storage Adapter
5                      /dev/td0
6fc        1  0/5/2/0   td   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP Tachyon XL2 Fibre Channel Mass Storage Adapter
7                      /dev/td1

Unfortunately there is no part number in the description - like in other HBAs:

1# ioscan -funC fc
2Class     I  H/W Path       Driver S/W State   H/W Type     Description
4fc        0  0/0/0/5/0/0/0  fcd   CLAIMED     INTERFACE    HP 451871-B21 8Gb Dual Port PCIe Fibre Channel Mezzanine (FC Port 1)
5                           /dev/fcd0

ctsm also can't find the part number:

 1# echo "selclass hwpath 0/4/2/0;info;wait;infolog"|/usr/sbin/cstm|more
 2Hardware path: 0/4/2/0
 4Product ID:                  Fibre Channel Interface
 5Hardware Path:               0/4/2/0
 6Module Type:                 Bus Adapter
 7Vendor ID:                   0x103c
 8PCI Device ID:               0x1029
 9PCI Subsystem Vendor ID:     0x103c
10PCI Subsystem ID:            0x128c
11Topology:                    Direct Fabric Attach (N_Port to F_Port)
13Tachyon TL/TS Major Revision:2
14Tachyon TL/TS Minor Revision:3

Using fcmsutil it is possible to find the part number:

1# fcmsutil /dev/td1 vpd|grep -i Part
2 Part number            :'A6795-62002'
3 Part Serial number     :'....'

The firmware revision and driver version can also be discovered with fcmsutil:

1# fcmsutil /dev/td1|egrep -i "Revision|Driver"
2                XL2 Chip Revision No is = 2.3
3                           Driver state = ONLINE
4                         Driver Version = @(#)  libtd.a HP Fibre Channel Tachyon TL/TS/XL2 Driver B.11.11.12 (AR1204) /ux/kern/kisu/TL/src/common/wsio/td_glue.c: Oct 11 2004, 14:45:41

